Best Off Grid Solar Inverters in India 2025

Best Off Grid Solar Inverters in India 2025-Best Off Grid Solar Inverters in India For billions of years, the sun has generated solar energy. The sun's beams (solar radiation) that reach the Earth are referred to as solar energy. This energy can be turned into heat or electricity. Solar energy is simply the capture, storage, and conversion of solar energy to electrical energy. Among the terms to be familiar with are: Photovoltaics Cells / PV Cells: A solar cell is a device that uses the photovoltaic effect to convert sunlight energy directly into solar electricity. Photovoltaics Module / PV Module: A photovoltaic module, often known as a PV module, is a bundled linked assembly of photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells.

                                                                                     Best Off Grid Solar Inverters in India 2025

Lento Industries Private Limited

Lento Industries Private Limited is the most promising Manufacturer  firm, driven with a mission to become a niche player in development of innovative and future proof equipments for Industrial Inverters, Online UPS, Static UPS, Solar Hybrid Inverter, Lead Acid Batteries, Solar Street Lights, Home Inverter, Home UPS, Three Phase Inverter etc. We manage a wide spectrum of modern day power electronics for Home Applications, Business & Commercial Applications, and Batteries that are founded on the firm base of research and development. Our modernized R&D centers bear a testimony of our widely demanded product portfolio featuring comprehensive benefits of latest technology, rugged designs, wide voltage range, energy efficiency and cost competitiveness.

Solar Hybrid Inverter / PCU (L-KVA)

Available Variants:

Solar Hybrid Inverter / PCU (MPPT Type)

Available Variants:
1450 VA / 24 VDC

2100 VA / 24 VDC

3.5 KVA / 48 VDC

5 KVA / 48 VDC &

96 VDC

7.5KVA / 120 VDC

10 KVA / 192 VDC

For billions of years, the sun has generated solar energy. The sun's beams (solar radiation) that reach the Earth are referred to as solar energy. This energy can be turned into heat or electricity. Solar energy is simply the capture, storage, and conversion of solar energy to electrical energy. Among the terms to be familiar with are:

Photovoltaics Cells / PV Cells: A solar cell is a device that uses the photovoltaic effect to convert sunlight energy directly into solar electricity.

Photovoltaics Module / PV Module: A photovoltaic module, often known as a PV module, is a bundled linked assembly of photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells.

What is a Solar System?

solar system is an arrangement that uses solar energy to create electricity. A typical solar system includes of-

  1. solar panels - which collect sunlight
  2. solar inverter - which converts DC to AC
  3. a mounting frame - which holds the panels in place
  4. Batteries - which store excess electricity
  5. a grid box
  6. and system balancing (wires, nuts etc.).

How can we use Solar Energy?

All solar power systems operate on the same fundamental principles. Solar panels use the photovoltaic (PV) effect to convert solar energy or sunlight into direct current (DC) power. The DC electricity may either be stored in a battery or transformed into AC power by a solar converter, which can then be utilised to power household appliances. Excess solar energy can be delivered into the power grid for credits or stored in a number of different battery storage devices, depending on the kind of installation. A solar system can be 1 kWh, 2 kWh, 3kW, 5kW, 7.5 kW, or 10kW in size. On average, a house with monthly electricity consumption of 1000 kWh requires 26 – 30 solar panels (Each solar panel is 320 watt).

Solar system price- Installing a solar system for a home is  Rs. 25,000 if you already have a single inverter battery and Rs. 50,000 if you already have a double inverter battery.

The three main types of solar systems are-

  1. On-grid solar system - also known as a grid-tie or grid-feed solar system
  2. Off-grid solar system - also known as a stand-alone power system (SAPS)
  3. Hybrid solar system - grid-connected solar system with battery storage

Uses of Solar energy

  1. Solar heating can be used for swimming pools.
  2. Solar water heater
  3. Heating of an entire house with the help of solar energy
  4. Charging of batteries with solar power.
  5. Power the entire house with solar energy
  6. Solar energy can be used for cooking
  7. Outdoor lightning
  8. Solar power pumps

What is an on grid and off grid solar system?

On-grid and off-grid are the two most common types of solar systems. On-grid means that all the components of your system must be connected to the grid. Off-grid means that you have your own power generation system, but it may or may not be connected to the grid. Each has its benefits, but if you want to get into solar it's important that you understand what each system entails so that you can choose which one is right for your home or business.

On grid solar system- An on-grid or grid-tied solar system is one that operates in tandem with the power grid. This implies that any surplus or deficit in electricity may be supplied back into the grid via net metering. Many household users are choosing an On-grid solar system since they may receive credit for the extra power produced by their system and save money on their electricity bills. You will always have access to power, whether from the solar system or the grid. They are not powered by batteries.

Off grid solar system - Off-grid solar systems operate independently of the grid but include batteries that can store the solar power generated and supply electricity after the power goes off or during the night.

Off-grid solar systems must be properly built in order to generate enough electricity throughout the year and have enough battery capacity to satisfy the needs of the residents, even in the dead of winter when there is often significantly less sunshine.

What is the difference between an off-grid and on-grid solar system?

The main differences between off-grid and on-grid solar systems are-

  1. An Off-Grid solar system will continue to operate even if power is lost, however, an On-Grid system would not.
  2. A grid-connected solar system is less costly than an off-grid solar system.
  3. An off-grid solar energy system is not tied to the utility grid, but an on-grid (also known as grid-tied) solar energy system is.
  4. If your PV system is not connected to the grid, you will not receive an electric bill. Even though your solar system generates 100 per cent of your power, if you choose a grid-tied system, you may still notice a few minor costs on your electricity statement.

Here are a few fundamental things to consider when purchasing a solar inverter for your house or business:

  1. Types
  2. Features
  3. Efficiency
  4. Warranties
  5. Pricing

Best Off Grid Solar Inverters in India 2025

  1. LENTO INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD  - Lento pioneered pure Sine wave technology in its inverters, UPS and power supplies. The Sine wave inverters output stable frequency and voltage, mimicking mains power supply, making it perfectly suitable to power expensive equipments, especially inductive loads that do not work well on square waves. Most appliances like CFL, fans, motor based equipments like air conditioners and pump sets are designed to work on 50 Hz sine wave. Running such equipments on unregulated quasi sine wave-square wave based inverters poses a risk as regards performance and durability. Lento DSP sine wave Static UPS and inverters are designed to provide stable 50 Hz sine wave irrespective of load and battery voltage, making them the most suitable for inductive, capacitive and non-resistive loads. Importantly, our inverters and UPS are designed to deliver instantaneous high current during start up, especially in case of air conditioners and refrigerators, with safety cut out when battery voltage goes lower than a specified point to avoid brownouts and burning of motors.

An Auto sense intelligent control smart charger and electronic changeover, hence much better reliability. It conducts the quiet operation of AC motors as well as other inductive loads, unlike the noise that emanates from Modified Sine Wave Systems. It gives more accurate readings and reduced errors. Requires less energy consumption as compared to modified sine wave systems. Is able to run a wide range of appliances including computers/laptops, CFLS and other sensitive electronic devices. It also provides better voltage regulation and less fluctuation, hence a more stable power supply. It is environmentally friendly.

  1. Product Name - Solar hybrid domestic inverter / PCU (MPPT Type) - Lento offers next generation smart MPPT based solar chargers for maximum efficiency and highest performance required in demanding situation. MPPT stands for maximum power point tracking and Lento’s smart MPPT solar chargers play a crucial, central role in stand alone and hybrid solar power installation. MPPT increases energy transfer efficiency by as much as 30% by calculating maximum voltage available from the SPV modules at which maximum power is available for charging and sets the charging current accordingly. Output from SPV modules can vary considerably according to changing weather conditions and incorporation of MPPT means the charging conditions are always optimized by covering extra voltage to amperes and thus speeding up the charging process. Lento uses high grade components to assure best performance and extended life of the unit.

Available Variants:

1450 VA / 24 VDC

2100 VA / 24 VDC

3.5 KVA / 48 VDC

5 KVA / 48 VDC &

96 VDC

7.5KVA / 120 VDC

10 KVA / 192 VDC


  1. Product nameLKVA Sine Wave Inverter- Can be used for- Power Back-up for Household as well as the computer, Small shops, Small offices etc. Small Water pumps and all motor-based small applications TV Sets, Fans, Tube Lights, computers etc.

Available Variants:

700 VA / 12 VDC

900 VA / 12 VDC

1100 VA / 12V

1600 VA / 24 VDC

2100 VA / 24 VDC


  1. Product Name - HKVA Static and UPS inverter- Most appliances like CFL, fans, motor-based equipment like air conditioners and pump sets are designed to work on 50 Hz sine waves. Running such types of equipment on unregulated quasi sine wave-square wave-based inverters poses a risk as regards performance and durability. Lento DSP sine wave Static UPS and inverters are designed to provide stable 50 Hz sine wave irrespective of load and battery voltage, making them the most suitable for inductive, capacitive and non-resistive loads. Importantly, our inverters and UPS are designed to deliver instantaneous high current during start-up, especially in the case of air conditioners and refrigerators, with safety cut out when battery voltage goes lower than a specified point to avoid brownouts and burning of motors.

Available Variants:

2.5 KVA / 36 VDC & 48 VDC

3.5 KVA / 36 VDC & 48 VDC

5 KVA / 48 VDC & 96 VDC

7.5KVA / 120 VDC & 180 VDC

10 KVA / 120 VDC & 180 VDC


Best solar inverter manufacturers in India 2025

  1.  Lento solar inverter-

Top 10 Solar Hybrid Inverter Manufacturers in India 2025-

  1. Lento Industries pvt. ltd.
  2. Lento Industries Private Limited is the most promising Manufacturer  firm, driven with a mission to become a niche player in development of innovative and future proof equipments for Industrial Inverters, Online UPS, Static UPS, Solar Hybrid Inverter, Lead Acid Batteries, Solar Street Lights, Home Inverter, Home UPS, Three Phase Inverter etc. We manage a wide spectrum of modern day power electronics for Home Applications, Business & Commercial Applications, and Batteries that are founded on the firm base of research and development. Our modernized R&D centers bear a testimony of our widely demanded product portfolio featuring comprehensive benefits of latest technology, rugged designs, wide voltage range, energy efficiency and cost competitiveness.

    Our forward thinking approach and profound interest is adding value to the industry makes us the fastest growing manufacturers of power electronics. Further, our business models are based on the pivot of total quality management which equips us to manufacture future proof designs. Our highly advanced infrastructural set up empowered our innovative efforts to provide powerful solutions for home use and standalone power plants. Our products are manufactured with compliance to the highest industrial standards of quality and safety and feature intelligent technology to provide precise outputs. In addition, due to the assiduous efforts of highly experienced team members, we are able to explore world class technology and already on the verge of greater expansion in the domain of power and energy.

    Lento believes to be emerging as leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter in countries like South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam ,Syria, Egypt, Libran, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Latin American  countries etc


Looking for the best 5kVA inverter price in India that gives you value and high return on your investment? Then look no further than the Lento 5kVA inverter. The Lento 5kVA inverter price is the best deal you can get from any inverter price list in India when considering product durability and affordability. Lento Inverters in India have proven over the years to be reliable and durable and they stand as the most demanded inverter brands in India today.

The Lento Inverter 5kVA/96V is well-known in the Indian market as one of the top brands. The Inverter 5kVA/96V Lentos ensures great value for money with a proven performance track record and is currently serving many homes and offices. Our 5kVA/96V Lento Inverter is a high output capacity digital Lento inverter that provides reliable backup performance.

Lento 5KVA 96V Hybrid Solar Inverter-

Product Specification

Output Power(Kw)


Output Voltage

220 V

Input DC Voltage

120V to 270V

Output Frequency

50 Hz


 85% to 90 %


54 Kg

Dimension (L*B*H in Centimetre)

35 x 30 x 66 cm

AC Over Voltage / Current Limitation Protection


DC Reverse Polarity Protection


AC Short Circuit Protection



Product Description

Our Solar Inverters and PCU (pure sine wave) are very perfect for hybrid solar system. It has inbuilt sine wave inverter and PWM solar charger/MPPT charger in a single unit. It is specially designed to keep battery healthy for longer time period.

For the minimization of electrical power, it uses optimum utilization of solar power with the technology of interactive solar charging with grid. It has very stable output voltage of 220 V (+/- 5V %), even in wide input voltage ranging from 130 V to 270 V in inverter mode and from 180V to 260V in UPS mode.

Other features are it is facilitated with high surge power of starting critical load, simple and easy handling with high reliability. Another significant point is its very low ‘no load current’.(LENTO) Modified Sine Wave Solar Inverters perform adequate for general home lighting and computer use. These inverters have wide input range of 120V to 270V or compatible of 180V to 260V. This can be selected by soft on/off switch at front panel. The charging current and algorithm is designed for prolonged battery life.


Salient Features:

  • DSP based Design with absolute and stable Sine Wave output voltage and frequency.
  • LCD display for UPS monitoring.
  • Over Temperature protection.
  • No noise and no smoke.
  • Light weight and very easy to carry.
  • Compact and efficient.
  • Protection against lightning.
  • High efficiency PWM/ MPPT based solar charge controllers.
  • Data logger.

Lento 5KVA 48V Pure Sine Wave Inverter, 125-280V

Product Specification



Output Voltage

220-230 V

Output Frequency

50 Hz

Relative Humidity

95% Non - condensing

Audible Noise

<25 dB

Power Factor


Degree of Protection

IP 65

Total Harmonic Distortion








Minimum Order Quantity


Product Description

Static UPS/ Inverter / Industrial Inverter

Range: 2.5Kva 48v to 12kva 192v

In real life, all our sophisticated and critical appliances and equipment have to face a number of power problems. These problems endanger your critical systems and are mostly encountered in the form of sags, surges, noise, brown outs, black outs etc. Because of its very high installation and operation cost, the online UPS is unlikely to be the right solution for this. Therefore, to provide the clean and stable power supply AC Sine Wave power from charged batteries

Lento has designed the DSP sine-wave Static UPS based on the world's latest DSP technology. It is a reliable, efficient and highly cost effective solution.

Salient Features

  • State of the Art MOSFET/IGBT Based PWM Technology to increase Crest Factor
  • Auto Sense Intelligent Control Smart Charger
  • Electronic change- over, hence much better reliability
  • Quiet of AC motors as well as other inductive loads unlike the noise that emanates from modified Sine Wave Systems
  • Very low Total Harmonic Distortion <3%
  • Fast Changeover ensuring Compatibility with Computers
  • TDR(Time Delay Relay), especially for AC compressor based applications
  • Mains Mode Short Circuit Protection
  • Surge Load Capacity up to 300%
  • Less Operating Coast as compared to that with Online UPS as well as DG Sets
  • Bypass Switch in case of system failure
  • Compatibility with D.G Sets

Why switch to Solar Inverters?

Solar inverters are rapidly replacing generator sets (petrol, diesel, kerosene, and all other types of gen sets) as the preferred backup power supply option. Solar inverters are being used as (alternative) power sources by households, industrial factories and facilities, commercial companies, educational institutions, restaurants, and all other businesses.

This is understandable given the numerous advantages solar inverters have over other available power alternatives (such as generators) — simple maintenance, no exhaust fumes, silent operation, portability, pollution-free operation, cost-effectiveness, and so on.

Solar inverters convert direct electric current from solar panels to alternating current, which is then used by electronic and electrical appliances.

Why buy Solar Inverters from us?

Lento is the best solar hybrid inverter manufacturer. It is driven by research and development but with a difference. The focus at Lento is on harnessing the power of R&D to develop innovative, future-proof products that are aligned with markets and requirements of end users. This inverter making company has R&D that powers the manufacturing of advance technology-based products that include Inverters, Online UPS & static UPS, Automatic Lift Backup System (ALBS), Solar Power Equipment, LED lights, and BLDC motor application-based products. It brings you: commercial series, utility series and hybrid series. The product redefines your relationship with energy, saves money and reduces emission of carbon.

Lento offers thousands of products, including solar inverters, batteries, and solar panels, among others.

If you want to buy wholesale solar inverters at a low cost, browse the online marketplace for a wide selection of high-quality inverters.

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q. Which inverter is best for home use in India?

Lento Inverter in undoubtedly is the inverter for home use in India.

Q. What size inverter do I need for a 5kW solar system?

Sizing your inverter

In systems using a grid-interactive inverter, the inverter is usually sized to match the solar array. For example, if you have a 5kW solar array, then you would install a 5kW inverter.

Q. How much power can a 5kW inverter handle?

That means for a typical 5kW inverter you can go up to maximum of 6.6kW of solar panel output within the rules.

Q. Is 5kW solar enough to run a house?

For a house in Arizona, where the PSH is 5.7 h, the required rated annual power output with a 5kW solar system will be 10,400 kWh. Based on these rough estimates, a 5kW solar system will work for the average house in Arizona.

Q. Can a 5KVA inverter power a fridge?

the 5kva 48v inverter has unique features expected from any good inverter like digital signal processing and lcd show display and has it also has a pure sine wave output. inverter load estimation: bulbs (20), fans (4), television (2), home theatre (1), laptops (3). Refrigerator/freezer (1), 1hp ac (1).

Q. How many solar panels 5kW per day?

5000 watts (5kW) of solar power is just about the average size of a US domestic solar system and represents 16 solar panels @ 335 watts each.

Q. What load can 5KVA inverter carry?

The efficiency rating of an inverter (including other electrical appliances) is measured in Voltage and Current (VA). A 5kVA inverter is useful for converting direct current to alternating current, which can be used for various applications. The 5kVA solar inverter can provide a power of 4KW, that is 4000 watts.

Q. What can I power with 5KVA?

You can run a washing machine, air conditioner, fridge, water heater, oven, and TV with a 5kw solar system. If you have these appliances in your home, a 5kW solar system is sufficient. It produces 20kWh per day.

People also ask-

How much solar power do I need to go off the grid?

The average off-grid home usually requires about 7 Kw (or 7000 Watts) of power to rely entirely on its own energy production. Solar panels come in various forms, shapes and sizes.

Can I Run My Whole House on Solar Energy?

With a modern solar energy system, including power storage, you can definitely run a whole house completely on solar power. Today's high-efficiency solar panels and solar batteries make it cheaper than ever before to power an entire home exclusively using solar energy.

What is the best off grid solar inverter?

Lento’s Solar hybrid domestic inverter / PCU (MPPT Type)

Which brand is best in solar inverter?

Lento focuses on harnessing power of R&D to develop innovative, future-proof products that are aligned with markets and requirements of end users.

Which is the best solar ups in India?

Lento HKVA Static UPS and Inverter.

What is MPPT inverter?

MPPT is electronic DC converters that optimize the matching between solar arrays (PV panels) and batteries. In short, the mppt solar inverter converts the high voltage DC output of the solar panel into the low voltage required to charge the battery.

What are the advantages of using a grid-connected solar PV system?

The main advantage of a grid-connected PV system is its simplicity, relatively low operating and maintenance costs as well as reduced electricity bills. The disadvantage however is that a sufficient number of solar panels need to be installed to generate the required amount of excess power.

What is a solar house?

A solar house is a house equipped with glass areas and so planned as to utilize the sun's rays extensively in heating.

Which company is best for solar?

Lento India is the best for Solar.

What is the cost of the solar system for the House?

On average, the installation of a 1 kW rooftop solar system could cost between Rs 45,000 and Rs 85,000. Batteries would cost extra if power is to be stored. Similarly, the cost for a 5 kW system would fall between Rs 2,25,000 to Rs 3,25,000.


How do I choose a solar inverter?

As a general rule of thumb, the size of your inverter should be similar to the DC rating of your solar panel system; if you are installing a 6 kilowatt (kW) system, you can expect the proposed inverter to be around 6000 W, plus or minus a small percentage.

What voltage is best for off-grid?

2 Use the highest system voltage for off-grid solar systems. Most people start exploring off-grid solar systems with the system voltage of 12 volts. 12 volts is very common, and that makes things easy because there are lots of choices of batteries, inverters, chargers, and devices such as light bulbs that can use 12VDC.

Can I use solar without inverter?

No, the current solar panel is only effective at converting sunlight into electricity. A built-in inverter is needed to turn the direct current (DC) from solar panels into alternating current (AC) and supply power to the whole household.

Which is the No 1 solar company in India?

Number 1 in this List is Lento, a Leading Top 10 Solar Companies in India. As one of the Top and Best Solar Panel Manufacturer Company, Lento manufactures solar modules, solar cells, Solar Home Lighting System and other solar products.

What is future of solar industry in India?

Off-grid solar power is growing at a fast pace in India, with sales of 329,000 off-grid solar products in the first half of 2021. With a potential capacity of 363 GW and with policies focused on the renewable energy sector, Northern India is expected to become the hub for renewable energy in India.

Is solar farming profitable in India?

If the tariff recieved is Rs. 18 per kWh but the cost for the plant is only Rs. 8 crore then a 1 MW plant can make a profit of 1.6 crore per year, for 25 years! In rooftop solar there is an added uncertainity as there are few solar installations up so far on rooftops in India.

What is meant by Solar photovoltaic system?

Photovoltaic (PV) materials and devices convert sunlight into electrical energy. Department of Energy. What is photovoltaic (PV) technology and how does it work? PV materials and devices convert sunlight into electrical energy. A single PV device is known as a cell.

What are solar appliances?

Solar appliances are a reliable solution for preserving energy and other sources on the planet as they are a never-ending source of energy. These appliances work on solar energy which harnesses the heat emitted by sun , which can be used anytime in the future in the form of solar thermal energy.

How do solar appliances work?

Solar power is harnessed using Solar Photovoltaic (PV) technology that converts sunlight (Solar radiation) into electricity by using semiconductors. When the sun hits the semiconductor within the PV cell, electrons are freed and bus bars collect the running electrons which results in electric current.

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